Industry Experience
ACZ Laboratories was founded to support the analytical environmental compliance needs of mining operations in the Western United States. Today, ACZ provides analytical support to a broad base of clients throughout the United States as well as internationally. While ACZ’s main client base is still the mining industry, other industry experience and clients include: environmental consulting & engineering firms, oil, gas & energy, government organizations (federal, state, local and tribal), water treatment facilities, landfills, nutraceautical manufactures, and food/beverage importers.
We believe that performing complete analytical suites in one location ensures data integrity, sample security, prompt turnaround times, and a higher level of customer service. ACZ analyzes many matrices including: drinking water, surface water, groundwater, wastewater, soil, mine tailings, overburden, sludge, plant, and biota tissue.
Metals and Inorganic Chemistry

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- Trace Metals via ICP & ICP-MS
- Ultra Low-level Mercury via CVAFS EPA 1631
- Mercury via CVAA EPA 245.1 & 7470a
- Mercury in solids via EPA 7473
- Selenium Speciation via SM 3114
- Selenium via ICP-MS & Hydride Generation (HGAA)
- Wet Chemistry (IC, FIA, TOC, Discreet Analyzer, Auto Titrator, Spectrophotometer)
- Carbon (TC, TOC, TIC, DIC, DOC)
- Cyanide (Free, Available, Thiocyanate, Total, WAD)
- Chromium Speciation via SM 3500
- Rare Earth Elements via ICP-MS

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- Gamma Scan
- Gross Alpha Beta
- Lead 210
- Polonium
- Radium 226-228 via 903.0, 903.1, 904.0 & 9315, 9320
- Radon 222 in water
- Isotopic Thorium & Uranium
Organic Chemistry

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- TPH (Extractable DRO)
- TVH (Volatile GRO TVPH)
- BTEX / MTBE via EPA 8021B and 8260
- VOCs EPA 624 & 8260
- SVOCs: Base/Neutral Acid Extractables (BNA) EPA 625 & 8270
- PAHs via EPA 8270
- Nonylphenols via ASTM D7065-06 including Bisphenol A (BPA)
- Instrumentation: GC/FID, GC/PID, GC-ECD, GC/MS
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- Acid Base Accounting (ABA)
- Acid Generation Potential (AGP)
- Acid Neutralization Potential (ANP) Heat and No-Heat modified
- Sulfur Speciation (Total, Sulfide/Pyritic, Sulfate, Organic/Residual)
- Hot Water Extractable Sulfur
- Modified Sobek (Client Specific & Montana State University Modified Sobek)
- State of Nevada Modified Sobek Procedure
- ASTM E1915 Residual Sulfur & Carbon Content via Pyrolysis (%)
- Net Acid Generation (NAG) Single NAG, Australian NAG
- Saturated Paste Extractions
- Incremental Sampling Method (ISM) and Incremental Composite Sampling (ICS)
- Plant Available, Soluble and Exchangeable Metals Leaching Extractions (KCL, AB-DTPA, KCL, Hot water, Sodium Acetate)
- Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Methods (EPA 1313, EPA 1314, EPA 1315, & EPA 1316)
- Overburden Analysis
- Humidity Cell Testing (HCT) via ASTM D5744-13
- Column Leach Studies: Nevada Meteoric Water Mobility Procedure (MWMP) & Client Modified Columns
- California Waste Extraction Test (WET) CAL Title 22 TTLC 18 Metals
- Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP, EPA 1312)
- Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP, EPA 1311)
- EPA Method 3050B, 3051A, 3052 and 3060A Digestions
- Sequential Extraction for Metal Fractioning (Tessier and modified Tessier)
- Metals Speciation
- Plant Tissue and Biota Tissue Analysis for Trace Metals and Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) and Bioaccumulation Studies.
- Wet and Dry Sieving
- Texture via Hydrometer
- Crushing and Pulverization Including a Rocklabs Ring and Puck Pulverizer
Humidity Cell Testing (HCT)

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- State of Nevada Certification for Static (ABA) and Kinetic (HCT, MWME) Testing
- Wider Columns Available for Analysis of Tailings
- Client Specific Customized Testing
- Low-level Metals Analysis in a Class 100 Cleanroom
- All Testing Performed in one 31,000 Sq. Ft. Lab
- USDA Foreign Soils Permit
- Monthly Reporting for HCT Progress Evaluations
In-Vitro Bioaccessibility

In-Vitro Bioaccessibility
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In vitro bioaccessibility (IVBA) analysis measures the potential hazard from ingestion of metals in soil, dust or other solid waste material. The in vitro bioavailability or in vitro bioaccessibility methods were developed to replace the much more costly oral in vivo test which is conducted on live animals. EPA in vitro Method 1340 and EPA Method 9200.1-86 estimates the oral bioaccessibility of both lead and arsenic from soil by simulating the stomach fluid of a swine. The analysis is highly controlled in terms of the temperature as well as the pH of the fluid.