Quality Assurance
At ACZ, our staff cares about the environment, and we believe our clients do too. We recognize that our role is to provide clients with information that can be transformed into knowledge and wisdom. We also recognize that the information we provide is used as the basis for operational decisions and proof of compliance. To support these end uses, laboratory activities must be sufficiently documented to withstand adversarial scrutiny. We take pride in producing defensible data.
ACZ has been a TNI (formerly NELAP) accredited laboratory since 2001. The laboratory operates in accordance with a mature quality system framed by the lab’s Quality Assurance Plan. The TNI Standards are essentially the ISO 17025 requirements with environmental laboratory-specific amendments. ACZ’s TNI certification enables the laboratory to obtain reciprocal certification from many other states. States with less robust environmental laboratory certification programs may not issue certification for non-SDWA work. In these situations, ACZ’s TNI credentials assure clients and regulators that our data is of known and documented quality.
ACZ is routinely audited by government agencies and private companies as a condition of our certifications and client contracts. ACZ welcomes audits and can accommodate unannounced visits.